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Book Donation

来源:院办 原作者:sincity 发布时间:2019-03-27

Dear friends,

I am Chairman of Hunan College of Foreign Studies (HCFS). HCFS is a full-time college of higher learning with 6 subsidiary schools and departments. HCFS stands out as the only independent full-time college specialized in foreign languages in the central south of China. There are above 12000 enrolled students in the college.

We are having new campus under construction in 2019. We are planning to establish an open library for the whole social community, but we need enough books to get this project started. We are asking you to please look around your house and donate any book that you may no longer need, even if the book may need repairs. If you would still like to give, but do not have books, consider giving a cash donation that can be used for books. Each part of books donated to the college will be assigned to a particular people, that they can take home for learn and read.

As an educator, we believe in the power of books to advance the minds of HCFS community and develop critical thinking among the youth. Libraries are a great way to inculcate the love for reading and hand in hand, we can reach our objective of encouraging everyone to read. Thank you so much for your generous donation and your support of our institution. If you have question, please email me at [email protected], on behalf of Hunan College of Foreign Studies.

Thank you!

Ping Ning

Hunan College of Foreign Studies


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